Posts Tagged ‘iphones’


Advice: Think mobile

In Uncategorized on June 20, 2011 by reibroker Tagged: , , ,

Get yourself prepared for the switch to mobile. Video and audio will become vastly more important in your strategy and operations. I am also still amazed to see how many people do not have mobile ready web sites and blogs. Save yourself embarrassment and missed opportunity. 877-700-0536

Amplify’d from

Smartphone Data Usage Grows Rapidly

nielsen-smartphone-mb-use-june-2011.JPGSmartphone owners, especially those with iPhones and Android devices, are consuming more data than ever before on a per-user basis, according to monthly cellphone data collected by the Nielsen Company. In just the last 12 months, the amount of data the average smartphone user consumes per month has grown by 89%, from 230 Megabytes (MB) in Q1 2010 to 435 MB in Q1 2011.